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Iranian Women

About Zan

We are a non-profit organization that supports Iranian women in pursuing international education. We know the application process can be daunting and expensive, so our mission is to provide free resources and guidance to women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We prioritize applicants with the greatest need and maintain rigorous standards when selecting our volunteers. This marks the beginning of Zan's journey as we assess your needs and plan our services forward accordingly.

Our services

How we can help you

Personal statement & essays

Get guidance on drafting and refining your essays. Our dedicated team will help you navigate the entire process, ensuring your application stands out. 

Workshops and seminars

Live and recorded sessions about the admissions process, selecting appropriate target schools, creating a coherent narrative, and discovering scholarships and financial aid opportunities, among other things.

Resume and portfolio review

Book a session with a volunteer for personalized feedback, or use one of our tailored templates for various destination countries.

Drop-in sessions

Not sure where to start or looking for quick feedback? Join one of our informal gatherings where you can ask questions or seek advice on specific topics from experienced volunteers. 

eligibility form

Eligibility form

To ensure that we can offer the highest quality of service effectively, we ask that you complete an eligibility form.

We'll get back to you within two to five business days for further verification. Please bear in mind that we will not be able to offer services to all applicants, and this form will help us identify those who need it the most. 

Become a volunteer

If you are interested in helping other Iranian women, we are looking for volunteers in the areas below:  

English Teacher

If you have any experiece in letter composition and essay evaluation, you can assist our applicant by providing constructive feedback. 


If you have the experience of immigrating abroad for studyig, you can lead our drop in sessions or hold Q&As.

Administrator assistant

If you are organized and excel at task management, you can join our support team in responding to emails and organizing events.    



This disclaimer applies to all services and content from Zan Foundation. The services and content provided by Zan Foundation do not constitute immigration or legal advice, it is not intended as a substitute for such advice and must not be relied upon as such. Our services and content are designed to provide an informative guideline for general information purposes only. Please consult a registered agent or lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of Visa application.

Our volunteers provide their personal experiences of applying to abroad universities with the aim to help Iranian women during their application process. While our volunteers can provide feedback on your application based on their own journey, we highly value the honesty and integrity of each application. As such, we are unable to draft or write the relevant documents and letters for your application.

Meet the Founders

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